Welcome to Our Home Page
Welcome to the world of Vintage Carnival Glass as seen through the “iridized eyes” of the Tampa Bay Carnival Glass Club. The purpose of this website is to help promote the hobby of collecting, preserving, and studying the history of carnival glass. We also will list relevant club information, and activities for your benefit. We encourage members to contribute information or interesting and educational articles to the website manager. All submissions will be subject to editing.
Club membership is open to all who appreciate and collect carnival glass. Annual dues are a modest $15.00 annually for email version and $25.00 for USPS mailed version. Click on the membership tab at the top of the page for an application.
Dave Noyes, President
There are no meetings held in June, July and August. Click on Meetings on the Club page for upcoming meeting dates.
Important reminder: 2025 club dues are due into Norman Bauer, Treasurer by March 1st. Please get them in ASAP if you haven’t done so. Click on Join TBCGC – Form to print out a membership form to send in with your payment.
Meeting Dates
Our meetings take place on the second Saturday of each month except for June, July and August. Please contact Dave Noyes for information on the next club meeting by calling 978-877-0298 or email: dave.noyes@comcast.net.
Current Membership Information
If you have recently moved, changed your phone number, or have a newly acquired or changed e-mail address, please contact Beth Margerum, editor, with the updated info as soon as possible. Email Beth at bethmargerum@verizon.net